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Donald Super's Work Values Inventory (WVI) · 1. have to keep solving problems · 2. help others · 3. can get a raise · 4. look forward to changes in your job · 5. Job satisfaction is determined more by how your values align with a work time to analyze the following list of common workplace values to clarify where Request PDF | IVP - Work Values Inventory - Inventario dei valori professionali | The Work Values Inventory consists of eleven dimentions, each of which The WVI is a self-administered, self-scored, and self-interpreted measure of six workplace values. It is a career exploration and job selection tool thatWORK VALUES INVENTORY. Values are an important part in the career decision-making process. It is important to select career options, which best fit your The statements below represent values which people consider important in their work. These are satisfactions which people often seek in their jobs or as a
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